Description of Event
We the NSS unit of ANITS organised an event as a part of “WORLD FOREST DAY” To create Awareness among the people on some theme , like plantation for clean, healthy Environment mainly to reduce all types of pollutions, to absorb sound, to prevent soil erosion and to maintain aesthetic value for healthy living. The more trees there are, the cleaner the air will be. This is due to the oxygen levels provided by trees that are then provided to other living things, helping us breathe better and cleaner air. They can also filter particulates from the air using their bark and leaves.
Tree plantation is significant because it is linked to our basic need for good food to eat and clean air to breathe. Aside from these necessities, they preserve biodiversity, conserve water, preserve soil, and processing Bio-Geo chemical cycles to maintain Ecological Balance.
Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is the largest Humanitarian network in the world. Its mission is to alleviate human suffering, protect life and health. Keeping in concern all aspects our NSS team Held this event.
The Principal PROF. T.V. Hanumantha Rao , along with Guests from Red Cross I.T Dileep Kumar (D.F.O), K. L. Rao (P.R.O) organised this event successfully. Some Faculty along with Around 500 students were Participated in this event.
1. Dr. K. Satyanarayana
2. Mr. L. Dinesh Kumar
3. Dr. R. Swaroopa Rani
4. Dr. G. Surya Narayana
1. Mr. Ravi Teja
2. Mr. Naveen Kumar Tadela