K.Venu Gopal (Ph.D)
Physical Director


The significance of physical education:

“Physical Education is an integral part of the total education process, serves with an aim for the development of physically, mentally; emotionally and socially fit citizen, through the medium of physical activities”

Our college administration has been following the same policy, ever since its inception. All credit goes to Dr.NBR Prasad, our Chairman and Sri.V.Thapovardhan, our Secretary & Correspondent, who have provided necessary support, encouragement and infrastructure for sports and Games. A very big playground for Athletics, Foot Ball, Judi Bola, Cricket, Togel SGP, track and field sports is provided which is a special privilege to our sports men and women. Separate courts are built for Volley Ball, Shuttle Badminton, Ball badminton, and Throw ball. The electrifying enthusiasm of our Physical Directors is a significant factor in our success. Well equipped modern Gymnasiums are provided for both boys and girls and mini auditoriums for indoor games. Well qualified and experienced Physical Directors.

The past glory of the department of physical Education:

Our college has been the forerunner in the field of sports and games and it has bagged many medals, prizes and trophies in all most all events at all levels such as University / District / state / National and International. We are proud of our previous sports personalities who have brought many laurels to our institution.
